特養 ウェブ面会で海を渡るの巻
殆どの職員が、利用者様と同じアーバンケア島之内食堂のごはんを注文しておりますが、先日の昼食で、おいなりさんと だし巻きたまごが おいし過ぎたので写真を撮りました機能訓練指導員の久保田です。
Most of the staff members order the same rice in the dining room of “Urban Care Shimanouchi” as the users. At lunch the other day, “Oinari-san” and “Dashimaki egg” were so delicious that I took a picture. I’m Kubota, a functional training instructor.
Excuse me. Until a while ago, there were many “Orinari-san”, but they were delicious, so at the time of this picture I’m in my stomach 💦
This blog is “ZOOM meeting”, but… I have had a very rare “ZOOM meeting”, so I would like to introduce it.
なんと、今回は海を渡りました!!とはいっても淡路島ではないんです!(( ゚Д゚)まぁそれでもすごいけど!)
そう、もちろん、もうおわかりですね。‟カナダ”です。(( ゚Д゚)うわ~!遠い~!!)
What a time, I crossed the sea! !! However, it is not Awaji Island! (( ゚Д゚) Well, it’s still great!)
Yes, I went abroad! !!
Where Ottawa is the capital and has 10 states and 3 territories.
Yes, of course you already know. It’s “Canada”.((゚Д゚) Wow! It’s far!)
しかも、三者面会です!!こんなことができる時代になったのですね・・・(( ゚Д゚)関心関心・・・)
Moreover, it is a tripartite meeting! !! It’s an era where you can do this… ((゚Д゚) Interest…)
わたしも感動しました( ;∀;)
I was also impressed (;∀;)
I had my daughters and grandchildren living overseas meet. It’s nice to be able to talk to grandchildren overseas like this…!!
( ゚Д゚)これなんて言うシステム?
( ゚Д゚)高いの?
( ゚Д゚)!!!!
( ゚Д゚)操作がややこしいだけのことはあるね
(*- 。-)n しーーっ
Finally, we would like to thank all the family members who helped us with the shooting. We apologize for the delay in posting the blog. The users also seemed happy. We are looking forward to the next use if you like. Thank you very much.
We apologize for any inappropriate words in the English translation.
殆どの職員が、利用者様と同じアーバンケア島之内食堂のごはんを注文しておりますが、先日の昼食で、おいなりさんと だし巻きたまごが おいし過ぎたので写真を撮りました機能訓練指導員の久保田です。
Most of the staff members order the same rice in the dining room of “Urban Care Shimanouchi” as the users. At lunch the other day, "Oinari-san" and "Dashimaki egg" were so delicious that I took a picture. I'm Kubota, a functional training instructor.
Excuse me. Until a while ago, there were many "Orinari-san", but they were delicious, so at the time of this picture I'm in my stomach 💦
This blog is "ZOOM meeting", but... I have had a very rare "ZOOM meeting", so I would like to introduce it.
なんと、今回は海を渡りました!!とはいっても淡路島ではないんです!(( ゚Д゚)まぁそれでもすごいけど!)
そう、もちろん、もうおわかりですね。‟カナダ”です。(( ゚Д゚)うわ~!遠い~!!)
What a time, I crossed the sea! !! However, it is not Awaji Island! (( ゚Д゚) Well, it's still great!)
Yes, I went abroad! !!
Where Ottawa is the capital and has 10 states and 3 territories.
Yes, of course you already know. It's "Canada".((゚Д゚) Wow! It's far!)
しかも、三者面会です!!こんなことができる時代になったのですね・・・(( ゚Д゚)関心関心・・・)
Moreover, it is a tripartite meeting! !! It's an era where you can do this... ((゚Д゚) Interest...)
わたしも感動しました( ;∀;)
I was also impressed (;∀;)
I had my daughters and grandchildren living overseas meet. It's nice to be able to talk to grandchildren overseas like this...!!
( ゚Д゚)これなんて言うシステム?
( ゚Д゚)高いの?
( ゚Д゚)!!!!
( ゚Д゚)操作がややこしいだけのことはあるね
(*- 。-)n しーーっ
Finally, we would like to thank all the family members who helped us with the shooting. We apologize for the delay in posting the blog. The users also seemed happy. We are looking forward to the next use if you like. Thank you very much.
We apologize for any inappropriate words in the English translation.